Service exchange for Bigfoot CTI Electronic Control Unit.
Bigfoot Service Exchange involves the exchange of Bigfoot components. Customers need to inquire with Bigfoot about a service exchange. Bigfoot will then send a refurbished component to the customer from our Core Stock, along with a return postage bag (if required). The customer is expected to replace the component on their CTI system and return the used component to Bigfoot.
If the used component is not returned within one month, a non-return of core stock charge of 60% of the replacement new component pricing will be applied.
- Some components may be deemed 'not worth repairing' or water damaged, a replacement of core stock cost will be charged.
- A return bag will be sent with the item, (if required).
- Non-Return of Core Stock after one month will invoke a core stock charge of 60% of the new component pricing.
Service Exchange ECU
SKU: BE20-Service ECU